BUILDING TYPE: Goverment Official Building

SIZE: approx. 750,000 sq. ft.

ESTIMATED COST: $15,000,000


D.C. Department of Public Works

Ralph Cyrus, PM (202) 939-8060


NCE technical engineering through other consultant was responsible to  provide mechanical and electrical engineering upgrade for this building. This project was designed in accordance with the Energy Conservation Opportunity (ECO) guidelines for Energy Audits.

The implementation of these ECO’s requirements which in turn save the existing cooling systems (chillers, cooling towers, pumps, etc.) and reduce related construction cost.

In addition, actual implementation of ECO’s will not only reduce the use of electric energy, but also generate utility rebates, construction cost savings, and possible payback of investment. The Potomac Electric Company (PEPCO) offers rebates for implementation of ECO’s, and in some occasions offers funding assistance for actual implementation of their New Building Design Program, Energy Conversation Measures.

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